From clearing your chakras with energy work to balancing your meridians with acupuncture, at Nolla Wellness, we provide the perfect type of body work for your health and wellness needs.
Acupuncture is a system of integrative medicine that involves inserting very small needles into the skin or tissues, used to alleviate pain and to treat various physical, mental, and emotional conditions.
Studies have shown that Acupuncture has been effective in treating:
Everything in this universe is composed of molecules that are vibrating at various frequencies. The molecules located within our bodies are constantly vibrating & radiating positive or negative, balanced or unbalanced, opened or closed frequencies. When our organs are misaligned energetically and radiating low-vibrational frequencies, it can materialize into physical ailments, like pains, sickness & disease.
Energy healing therapy has been used to treat various health conditions & complements many other forms of treatments & therapies. Combining holistic therapies, like Reiki Energy Healing, with conventional health treatments can help you optimize your health and wellbeing. Energy healing can effectively support, balance, restore, cure and repair your body.
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